O yeah,watching my daughter sleeping with her thousand styles is oh-so-exciting-to-do thing, as i was watching forum in theurbanmama where they showed their kids sleeping poses, i'd love to show mine too, start from this blog it will kind of buy-1-get-1-free because my blog is now so out-dated since my assignment's deadline hunted me down these couple months, so now my blog will be updated *yaayyyyy*
above is Kai, my daughter, 6 months old *i love her lips's shape, remind me of Koi fish.Awh Kai and Koi.how cute*
Tiger cubs being held by her granpap *awwwww*
there were several styles that Kai would occasionaly performed, "njungkring" was her favorite style, plus : popped her face in between 2 mats
ow,and this was also her personal favourite,,well i guess this style is everybaby's favourite style ;) ( the left one were taken while she wass sleeping on the couch of Pizza Hut and the right one is when she got what they called here in Indonesia : Singaporean Flu, although it's more like chicken pox rather than a flu. Oh my poor Kai)
I really dont know what kind of affair my daughter had with her room's wall, and why'd she always put her foot on the wall while sleeping
I called it superheroine's flying pose ;)
being shot pose? ;))
balerina style ;)))
when she was too tired to get off from her car seat
sleeping at peace, at last ;)
I 'm going to look for my daughter's first bday bash preparation. She'll be first years next Monday,,hope it'll going well ;)