Sep 30, 2009

wall graph project 50% progress

wall graphics by Prasatka Widusaka...
in our so-called living room wall
to finish later....
menerima orderan kayaknya..hee

Sep 28, 2009

planning new project : P.A.P

yeay...we're planning on make old project coming true under the OWL line...
it's P.A.P
it's for fun graphic,prints,painting,patches,stitches and anything to be on bag....big bug
hoa...still confuse in deciding the logo
make a comment please...choose the logo we'll use...or you can use them to play "find the difference"..."temukan perbedaan pada 2 gambar dibawah ini"


Sep 27, 2009


my hubby was very local area connection cable that was linked into my notebook and made me into network all night long...
maklum dunk sayang...setelah berbulan2 terpencil tak pernah online,,rasanya seperti woah woah woah

then he made this

Sep 26, 2009


tahun tanpa tradisi keluarga
because we were goin to my hubby's and his relatives life far away
tidak ada sungkem-sungkeman panjang
tapi tetap dapat keuntungan finansial
ah nikmatnya lebaran
tapi prihatin juga liet berita daftar kecelakaan...kenapa selalu jadi begitu
why dont you try to skip mudik for just one year
jadi inget bukunya John Grisham, Skipping Christmas..entertaining light book

Sep 18, 2009

behold..tees with felt applique experiment project

article: tees
technique: patching
materials: cotton,felt,button,zipper
they're called ..."Kepala Kardus" series.
those are our 1st try.
How'd you think?


dont know how to start to make everybody impress with this first move.guess i'll keep talking and let people know what we're into.

well this is our logo,just something to formalize our existence*sigh*,enjoy,cause i do hope you people will see this everywhere